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Friday, October 8, 2010

New Dollarbie at KKBB!!

Hooooray!! My KKBB has a new dollarbie. Its the new Donna Sweater with a removable tintable Jewels layer. It comes in a variety of colors and you can get them all at 1L each. These are absolutely adorable.

You can find the KKBB direct SLURL in our alphabetical list of store locations to the Right.



I'm going to share with you the best freebies and low priced clothing out there so you can make your Avatar as stylish as I am. If you're a noob..this is where you want to be. And if you're nice, there might some free items from me in it for you. (for the girls). check back often as the best deals you can find will be right here waiting for you! Who needs search when you have SL's shopping queen? hmm? HALLELUJAH! Its about time huh?

Need some help with your style? I can help you find some of the best clothing acessories and skins out there. You want a high quality looking avatar like mine? You have come to the right place. I've styled myself, now let's get started on Stylin' U!


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