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Saturday, January 29, 2011

I am slowly returning to the blogs

So sorry for my absence. I have been recovering in the Real world for the last couple of months from a bought of breast cancer. I find it ironic as I have always been a supporter and in October which happens to be Breast Cancer awareness month, I found a small lump in my left breast. Luckily being who I am I can make light of the situation and say not only call it "BOOB" cancer, I can also say that I am proudly shaking my boobies again in the world of SL.

The tumor was Malignant, but very small and they were able to save my breast. just the treatments were wearing me down so now, Here I am, feeling better. and slowly working my way back into the world of SL. Very soon I will be back. Right here on this site, blogging away for you.



I'm going to share with you the best freebies and low priced clothing out there so you can make your Avatar as stylish as I am. If you're a noob..this is where you want to be. And if you're nice, there might some free items from me in it for you. (for the girls). check back often as the best deals you can find will be right here waiting for you! Who needs search when you have SL's shopping queen? hmm? HALLELUJAH! Its about time huh?

Need some help with your style? I can help you find some of the best clothing acessories and skins out there. You want a high quality looking avatar like mine? You have come to the right place. I've styled myself, now let's get started on Stylin' U!
