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Monday, March 14, 2011

Ah yes, my work on her is done

Meet my friend Nicola. She was away from SL for about a year and found one of my Advertisements. She sent me an IM Telling me that she desperately needed my help! I was more than willing to do so of course. Look at her before picture on the left and her after picture on the right. A completely different AVI you ask? No! Same girl. And I'm going to tell you how I took her from Drab to FAB!

First we started with her shape. Her shape was full perm and I asked her to give me a copy for a bit of tweaking. The only thing that I did, was adjust the facial features. The body, I kept exactly the same. First of all, I changed the head shape ever so slightly. Then took the Stats of my own Shape and modified her face. I took the lips from the original picture, in which the lower lip was almost twice the size of the upper. Trust me, pictures can be deceiving. And I adjusted the shape of that as well as the nose. I also made the eyes a bit more narrow and took the Cheek Bones Down from 100. So, after that modification, I gave her her shape back! Thank God.

Next I went though my inventory and found a few Full perm Skins and chucked them her way. Same with hair. Found a couple that are full perm and I gave them to her. The final step...Sending her off to Fab Free headquarters to get some stuff, including the Blue outfit she is wearing in the right picture. Told her to chuck the Outfit, skin and hair from the Left side because well, unless she wanted to go around looking like a noob, they needed to go.

And of course, You see the Before result and the After Result.
That's what we do at Stylin' U.  you've seen the results. Feel free to come by and let me help you. If you need it.

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I'm going to share with you the best freebies and low priced clothing out there so you can make your Avatar as stylish as I am. If you're a noob..this is where you want to be. And if you're nice, there might some free items from me in it for you. (for the girls). check back often as the best deals you can find will be right here waiting for you! Who needs search when you have SL's shopping queen? hmm? HALLELUJAH! Its about time huh?

Need some help with your style? I can help you find some of the best clothing acessories and skins out there. You want a high quality looking avatar like mine? You have come to the right place. I've styled myself, now let's get started on Stylin' U!
