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Sunday, November 7, 2010


I am starting to post some of my tips for you all to utilize if you wish.

This week's tip is regarding cleaning up your inventory. Do you have more inventory than you really know what to do with? Is there something that you just don't know whether you want to delete it or not? Do you have seasonal of Holiday outfits that contain alot of parts? There is a very simple solution to this. Do what I do and create what I like to call a Holding Box.

All I do is make a box. and drag the items over to it. In the General tab I name it "OBJECT" HOLDING BOX.
For instance do you have over 500 Textures like I do? I created a TEXTURE HOLDING BOX and dragged all me textures in it. Did one for my Poses, and for each outfit that contains lots of parts. that way instead of my 20 piece Witch Costume, I only have one piece and I can put it back and save it for next year. Its almost like buying a boxed product and unpacking the box. This way though you can keep these items for you inventory.

Another thing that I like to do on the box, is place the texture that might come with an outfit on the box, that way when i go through my costumes, I can rez it and see if it is one I want to wear.

its a great way to narrow down the inventory that you aren't using.

btw, I even keep one for landmark's, furniture sets and single decorative items.

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